3 incredible reasons why Pilates helps beat the bloat

1. The Breath

Throughout the class you are instructed on when to breath in an out. When you breath properly you release and stop clenching, this allows you to stimulate your abdominal organs! It keeps the body relaxed and allows for trapped wind to pass. Phew.

2. Ab work

There is A LOT of ab work in Pilates. Their signature “hundreds” actually get the blood flowing around the digestive area, allowing for the food to pass down quickly!

3. It opens you up

IBS sufferers often present with closed front body. This is often due to constantly hunching to hold your stomach, its a protective instinct. In Pilates you always work on strengthening your back and opening you chest! Movements like the Swan allow for passive extension so you can begin to open you chest and stretch your abs!

Check www.liveyoga.ie for Pilates and Yoga class times in a beautiful studio in Killarney

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